Wednesday, April 9, 2014

White-Tail Deer

        White-tailed deer, the smallest deer of North American. They can be from southern Canada to South America. In the heat of summer they typically inhabit fields and meadows and forests for shade. In the wild they particularly the young ther hunted by bobcats, mountain lions, and coyotes. They use speed and agility to outrun predators, running 30 miles per hour and leaping as high as 10 feet and as far as 30 feet in a single jump. Adult white-tails have reddish-brown coats in summer which fade to a duller grayish-brown in winter. Male deer are easily recognizable in the summer and fall by their set of antlers, which are grown annually and fall off in the winter. Female deer give birth to one to three young at a time, usually in May or June and after a gestation period of seven months. Young deer wear a reddish-brown coat with white spots that helps them blend in with the forest. The males for called bucks and the females are called does and also there younge ones are called fawns. Only the bucks grow antlers. During the mating season bucks fight over territory by using their antlers in fighting other males. White-tailed deer are herbivores. They eat leaves, twigs, fruits and nuts, grass, corn, alfalfa, and even lichens and other fungi. Occasionally venturing out in the daylight hours, white-tailed deer are primarily nocturnal, browsing mainly in the morning and night. 

"White tail deer." White tailed deer . N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. <>.

"White-Tailed Deer." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. <>.

"White-tail Deer Facts and Information - The Sports Globe." White-tail Deer Facts and Information - The Sports Globe. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2014. <>.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Lions are the only cats that live in groups, which are called prides. Prides are family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their young. All of a pride's lions are related, and female cubs typically stay with the group as they age. Young males eventually leave and establish their own prides by taking over a group headed by another male. Males defend the pride's territory, which may include some 100 square miles of grasslands, scrub, or open woodlands. These intimidating animals mark the area with urine, roar menacingly to warn intruders, and chase off animals that encroach on their turf.Female lions hunt for the pack. They often work together to kill there prey. Many of these animals are faster than lions, so teamwork pays off.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Black holes

           Black holes are the cold remnants of former stars, so dense that matter and light is able to escape their powerful gravitational pull. When giant stars reach the final stages of their lives they often detonate in cataclysms known as supernova . The explosion causes it to become a black hole.In younger stars, nuclear fusion creates energy and a constant outward pressure that exists in balance with the inward pull of gravity caused by the star's own mass. But in the dead remnants of a massive supernova, no force opposes gravity so the star begins to collapse in upon itself. With no force to check gravity, a budding black hole shrinks to zero volume at which point it is infinitely dense. Even the light from such a star is unable to escape its immense gravitational pull. The star's own light becomes trapped in orbit, and the dark star becomes known as a black hole.Black holes pull matter and even energy into themselves—but no more so than other stars or cosmic objects of similar mass. That means that a black hole with the mass of our own sun would not pull objects into it any more than our own sun does with its own gravitational pull. Planets, light, and other matter must pass close to a black hole in order to be pulled into its grasp. When they reach a point of no return they are said to have entered the event horizon which is the point from which any escape is impossible because it requires moving faster than the speed of light.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Great white sharks

             Great whites are the largest predatory fish on Earth. They grow up to an average of 15 feet in length, and they are20 feet or 6 meters long and weighing up to 5,000 pounds or 2,268 kilograms. They have slate-gray upper bodies to blend in with the rocky coastal sea floor, but get their name from their universally white bellies. They are fast for how big they are but they can up to 15 miles per hour. speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. They are so powerful they can even leave they water completly. They are Highly adapted animals their mouths are lined with up to 300 teeth, triangular teeth arranged in several rows, and they have an exceptional sense of smell to detect prey. They even have organs that can sense the tiny electromagnetic fields generated by animals. Their main prey items are sea lions, seals, small toothed whales, sea turtles, and carrion. They live in the cool coastal waters of Africa mostly. However scientists agree that their number are decreasing becuase they are being over fished and get caught in gill nets. The reason I choose to study the great white shark this blog so I can understand more about the Great whites and not just there man eaters. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Solids, liquids, gases

          Solids are a very tigh patterned particles. They are in a pattern and stay in a pattern. If a solid gets to hot it will melt and turn into a liquid. Liquids are always together but hit each other. They always are close and flows easily. If the liquid gets to hot it evaporates and turns into a gas. Gases form the shape volume of its container. They always bounce off each other. The can repeat the process from the gas and all you do is make it colder and colder.They have some similarities like they are both made up of protons and neutrons and classify as matter.  

 "Gases, Liquids, and Solids." Gases, Liquids, and Solids. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Yellow fever

            Today I studied the dease called yellow fever and was very bad in the 1700s and 1800s to the Europeans. Today our medicine level is so high that we can just got to the doctor and pick up the vaccination. Back then they couldn't do that and a lot of the population died. Today the middle of South America and africa are very high in yellow fever cases. The reason is the yellow fever is caused by maquestios and those places are full of swamps. Maquestios live in swamps.
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2, 2013
 "Yellow Fever." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 01 July 2014. Web. 07 Jan. 2, 2010